Friday 5 October 2018

school council

date of meeting- 14.09.18
present: charlie.h, grace.d, layla, aslam, harley, ava, keyon, charlie.p, zainab, tracey
discussion: - halloween - changes from disco and watch a movie. infants- casper the friendly ghost, juniors- hocas pocas. there is going to be a fashion show. [popcorn+drink]
parent council-movie night popcorn plus drink [family movie night] heads help out.
senedd feed back-  aslam and layla talk to lots of people and one man met nelson mandela. in the send its self it had a roof made out of wood and it was flexible it was made from canada and at the bottom of the tree it is where all the meetings happen.
school improvement- making a question air for all the children, helping them go up levels.
curry and quiz night- tell dianne how many people are coming to make enough curry.
targets/actions: - improve/edit- policies by kids for kids aims to edit. 

Friday 14 September 2018

School Council Meeting 14/09/18


  • Keep the suggestion box in year 6
  • Mini suggestion boxes in every class when suggestions made they go into the big year 6 suggestion box
  • Put a piece of paper that says the colour of your jewel [put it on your tray]
  • Morrisons bag packing on Friday and Monday next week and the rugby- bucket collecting on Saturday 22nd
  • 2nd of October- meet the assembly members of parliament  
  • Suggestions- more iPads,colouring on the yard, more things on the playground.
  • Family quiz night- curry from Diane. 
  • plans for the roof top garden
  • We have to design a logo for the parent council letters.